
2009 International Building Codes IBC/IFC

In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of communities large and small, the industry adheres to a system of model codes that regulate the construction of residential and commercial buildings. These codes are created by the International Code Council (ICC), a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention. The International Building Code (IBC) and International Fire Code (IFC) are two of the most widely accepted codes in North America; all 50 states have adopted a version of the IBC and at least 42 states have adopted a version of the IFC.

To ensure the regulations remain up-to-date, the ICC revises the code every three years to include new and innovative design ideas and technologies, modern materials and methods of construction, and current approaches to fire safety, life safety and structural stability. In 2009, the ICC introduced the latest edition of the IBC and IFC, both of which contained significant code changes and additions, particularly in regards to means of egress.

IBC/IFC Egress Regulations

The 2009 IBC and IFC states that luminous egress path markings shall be required in all new and existing institutional, educational, business, hotel, public assembly and R-1 residential buildings having occupied floors that are located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of the fire department vehicle access (5+ stories). Chapter 10 of the IBC and IFC (means of egress), luminous markings are required for all doors, steps, landings, perimeters and obstacles. The IBC and IFC codes are enforced by building inspectors and fire code officials.

Affected Occupancy Groups

  • Assembly (A) (For Public Events)
  • Business (B)
  • Education (E)
  • Hospitality/Hotel (R-1)
  • Institutional/Hospitals (I)
  • Mercantile (M)

Exempted Occupancy Groups

  • Factory and Industry
  • High Hazard
  • Utility
  • Residential other than (R-1)